Sunday, February 23, 2020

Immigration and Settlement Annotated Bibliography

Immigration and Settlement - Annotated Bibliography Example Retrieved from This audit report from the Canadian Border Services Agency is an important governmental document that reiterates the purpose of the border agency. To identify and prohibit travelers that pose a threat to Canada’s security is one of the main aims of the border services agency. The report mentions that the enforcement teams comprise of about 4 percent of the border services officers and superintendents instated in the area. These enforcement teams work on all major transportation modes including land and air so as to detect any travelers that might be trying to enter the country illegally. This is a measure to control illegal immigrations by placing appropriate checks at the borders thereby stopping illegal movement at the borders. This report is a valuable governmental source of information regarding the border services and checks that have been put in place to control illegal entry into the country. In the chapter, the author has addressed the subject of illegal immigration as it presents itself as a problem in countries like United States and Europe. The issue of illegal immigration is studied in the light of multiculturalism and the challenge faced when promoting the idea in the midst of illegal behaviors. The author has examined the issue of Chinese immigrants who arrived on the shore of the Canadian border in 1999, and explains the views of most Canadians. Unsurprisingly, majority of the Canadians were opposed to illegal migration of the people and were determined to have them sent back to China before they stepped on to the land. The book is relevant for the research as it reflects the views of existing Canadian citizens on the subject of illegal immigration and settlement ignoring the multicultural aspect of their integration. The book addresses the issue of illegal immigration as a global problem

Friday, February 7, 2020

Pros and Cons Educational Changes Regarding Discrepancy Model and Research Paper

Pros and Cons Educational Changes Regarding Discrepancy Model and Response to Intervention - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that special education is the education provided by a school for those students that are not mentally of the same capability with their colleagues. The federal government is in charge of special education therefore it stipulates the rules that govern it. These rules determine whether a child’s special needs are serious enough to warrant more resource allocation to their education by the school. The discrepancy model of education is what determines the special needs of a child. In case a child has special learning needs, the discrepancy model determines how special a child is. This model is the one that determines whether an individualized education program (IEP) for the child under evaluation is necessary. In simpler words, the discrepancy model determines how far the child under evaluation has fallen behind others in the same class. This then forces the child to be fall back for a year or two depending on his IQ whereby the federal government will then start disbursing funds for them. In order for the federal government to send a student special education funds, they have to be behind by a year or two under the discrepancy model. Due to the problems associated with the discrepancy model, the federal government came up with another plan that would identify and help a special child without falling behind in classes. This method aims at helping the students with their classroom difficulties immediately.